Koretta Brown AKA HotGirlAdvocate, Local Political and Social Activist joins this weeks discussions, which include:
* God Hour
- HomeTown Heroes
- Houston Rodeo Takeover By the local Hip-Hop Scene
- HISD Symposium invites 50 Cent and His pocketbook out
- What we need from our Locals that have made it big
- Discussions on how to reinvest in the community
- Things we can do to shift the value of life in our community
* Justice Hour
- Several cases of people incarcerated unjustly for years without a trial
- The effects and affects of White ideology in the Black Community
- The History of Policing in AmeriKKKa
- Alternative ideas and programs for rehabilitation instead of imprisonment
- Alternative ideas for schools in our community and providing education
and certification programs that target our youth's needs